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Transformation time!

Well, we are right in the thick of it and pretty much everyone on the planet is feeling it, dealing with it, flying with it, or drowning in it. Its quite big. And as we scale up in intensity, if self care is not at the top of your list, you might consider putting it there. My self care means pulling inward, conserving resources, and appreciating the very small things in my life. A cup of tea in nature, with nature, is my first go to. The quietude allows me to re-balance and re-calibrate. Now that I am situated more in nature, the tree-beings are whispering and gently rocking my sometimes frayed nervous system. I am curious what you are offering your own being and hope you are loving yourself up in some way. As we head into Fall 2024, We have a long road ahead. Stamina, fortitude, joy if you can find it, and an intention to be a loving soul on this planet will stead us all well in the months and years ahead.

Blessings to you on your journey in this eternal moment.

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